Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's your Leadership iQ? How about emotional iQ?

Things are in the swing again for me at OISE, after a semester off to transition from maternity leave back to full-time work, now the focus is on Organizational Leadership. I'm going to start with a reflection on Leadership in general.

I know, I know, what a monster of a topic. Especially when your tasked with picking ONE leadership book at Chapters. The section on Organizational Leadership is HUGE.  I did some research online, read some reviews and narrowed it down to about 5 books, but when I got to the store, it expanded again to 10.  After flipping through each, reading a chapter here and there, I finalized my top two--yes, its true, the indecisive-me had to purchase two books and bother very very different.  The first, Servant Leadership:  a book exploring the true human (kind) side of leadership through caring.  The second, Open Leadership, about using social media as a key component to leadership.  Will keep you posted on both reads as I make it through them.

In the mean time, looking at various leadership types and styles, has been an interesting personal journey.
In the next post, I will dig a bit deeper into some of the tools we used to analyze our leadership traits.