On of the first tools we looked at was the Myers-Briggs score or MBTI. This one looked at what are strengths are in leadership according to how we perceive things and make decisions. Are you more introverted or extroverted? A feeler or a thinker? Perceiving or Judging? Sensing or intuitive?
What's your score/personality type? I happen to be an INTJ.
Another leadership tool we embraced for some self-exploration/evaluation was the Emotional Intelligence test which looks at our soft skills and we relate to people.
What's your EQ?
Next, we can explore Effective Intelligence, which looks at how people think, thus how people work together based on how they think. Colour based, green (creative), red (structured), blue (values-based), many people fall into more than one colour, but typically have a dominant thinking colour.
What is your effective intelligence primary colour?
A other ways of looking at leadership style is to consider what quadrant you fall into, whether it's coaching, directing, supporting or delegating. Take a look and think about where you might place yourself.
Entrepreneur.com has another interesting quiz on leadership style if you want to check this one out: http://www.entrepreneur.com/quiz/leaderstyle
There are many avenues out there in terms of exploring your leadership style. May theories that one can draw on as well.
I will talk more about some of those leadership theories and styles, ones that strike something with me in future posts.